What Do I Need for Airsoft

What Do I Need for Airsoft

One of the first things prospective airsoft players will realise when watching skirmishes is the amount of weaponry, clothing and other equipment involved in the sport.

Before any game, players volition demand to ensure they are equipped with the correct gear in society to play both effectively and safely at all times.

Eye Protection

This is probably i of the about important pieces of equipment to consider prior to starting any skirmish.

Whilst getting hit past a BB travelling through the air at high speeds is sure to hurt at times, most parts of the body volition only incur a small bruise at worst. Your eyes, however, are much more sensitive and require specific protection to avoid what could potentially be a serious injury.

Whilst you lot may run across some players in a game with minimal eyewear (or sometimes none at all), it is highly advised y'all start off with a total set of goggles to ensure there is no take chances of your eyes existence hit.

If you're looking for something a chip more unique but which offers the aforementioned level of protection, there are besides full face up variants available in a range of styles including gas, ballistic masks as well as others with abstract designs.

High Quality Weapon

We left this until 2d to avert any allegations of "well obviously!", but it almost goes without maxim that having the right weapon is incessantly of import.

I say "right" because the all-time gun will vary from person to person and is based on a range of factors including their upkeep, play style, surroundings and more than.

For example, if yous play predominantly shut gainsay games in hot temperatures, you may actually find that having that virtually powerful gun you tin can buy may be counter-effective to your efforts in the field and choosing a more bourgeois weapon may be a better investment.

Similar, if you have aspirations to be a skillful sniper, yous won't take much luck wandering the far corner of the battleground armed with simply a shotgun and a pistol. Each role in airsoft requires different guns and understanding these will be crucial to developing a strong arsenal for combat.


Similarly, choosing the right Bbs is besides dependent on the player circumstances. If you discover yourself using heavy Bbs in a gun which is relatively low powered, your effective range will exist short and this will brand landing successful shots much harder.

The general rule of pollex is: the more powerful your weapon (measured by FPS), the heavier the Bulletin board system yous tin can use whilst still maintaining high power and accurateness.


Choosing which gas to utilize is some other important aspect in achieving potent results from your weapon. In order to exercise so, y'all need to understand your requirements as well every bit your gear and environs.

For instance, if y'all are playing indoors skirmishes throughout the weekend, the BBs being fired will not demand to travel as far as they would in an outside battle. This enables you to utilize medium powered gas instead of having to resort to higher powered versions.

Similarly, if you accept a cheaper weapon made of predominantly plastic parts (and a lot of players exercise), using extremely powerful gases may actually crusade damage to your gun as the components are non able to withstand the upshot pressure level caused from the shot.

It is therefore extremely important to understand your requirements and address them accordingly for the all-time results.

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Gun Attachments

In one case y'all've chosen your loadout for the weekend'southward games, you may need to consider whether or not it would exist beneficial to implement specific attachments to your weapons.

Whilst this may non apply for anybody, players such as snipers and rifleman can improve their accuracy past installing scopes, sights and lasers to their guns, all of which make target conquering much easier.


Cold weather condition, woodland environments and constantly gripping guns tin be hard work on a players hands and this makes wearing gloves a smart pick.

Choosing a durable pair of gloves volition protect your hands from cold conditions as well as any abrasive surfaces they may come up into contact with. Forests contain ferns, branches, thorns and other vegetation which can potentially scratch and cut your hands so it is important to wrap up accordingly.

This is especially true in Winter when airsofters volition want to conceal every trunk function as much as possible in order to stay warm and keep their playing up to scratch.

Trunk Armour and Storage

Whilst some players such as scouts and recon may not want to store big amounts of grenades, ammunition and other items on their person in guild to stay lightweight, other players (including grenadiers and back up gunner) will want to wear tactical vests which include storage areas.

Like all airsoft equipment, body armour is available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes including lightweight vests and larger trunk armour sets with numerous storage areas.

Camouflage for the Environment

Nigh every histrion involved in an airsoft skirmish should understand the importance for adorning wearable which blends in to their surroundings.

Whilst this is paramount for snipers, all members of the squad will desire to article of clothing apparel which features appropriate cover-up for the game area every bit this will make it far harder for the enemy team to spot them and state successful shots.

Snipers can frequently be seen wearing ghille suits which act every bit a powerful camouflaging solution with woodlands landscapes by attaching grass, leaves and other materials to the player in gild to completely muffle the wearer inside their environs.

When preparing your loadout for the coming weekend, be mindful of what your needs and aspirations are. Are you looking to play the sniper role and fire shots from the dorsum of the battlefield or are you wanting to provide continuous suppressive burn to your teams from the frontline?

Establishing what your requirements are will make choosing your weapon and equipment much easier and volition also provide logical reasoning behind your decisions which volition help improve your overall functioning during the weekend of games.

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What Do I Need for Airsoft

Posted by: homhisone.blogspot.com

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